University-Company Relationship

University-Company Relationship

Research can therefore arise from a Project on a concrete reality (need, problem, opportunity), as a “learning laboratory” in contact with real agents and experiences in relation to needs, problems or opportunities. These “laboratories”, directed from a specific Research Group, will be the scene of joint actions between the University-Company-Society, within the scope of specific lines of research. These projects can adopt different forms of collaboration:

- Agreements and framework collaboration agreements. They are documents consisting of a declaration of intent for future collaborations in different fields and forms, establishing the general conditions of cooperation and planning of activities. They do not imply commitment or financial consideration, each of the activities that may arise under their protection must be regulated in specific contracts. They usually cover a group of companies. More difficult in the Administration.

- Consulting contracts. They consist of the issuance of advice, opinion or diagnosis by a researcher specialized in the subject on a matter raised by a company. It can be offered as specific jobs of greater or lesser duration, or as regular and periodic services.

- Contracts for the provision of services. They consist of the analysis, essays, expert opinions and other systematized works. Some objectives, a work plan, economic conditions, a duration and are definitively regulated are the conditions for the development of a very specific work.

- Research projects and technological development. They consist in the realization of an R&D project at the request of a company. Public funding is sought. The project is carried out based on objectives that are intended to be achieved with a work plan, certain economic conditions and a defined team of researchers. The main obligation of the researcher is not to achieve a specific result, but to develop an activity, which may be followed by research contracts.

- Research and technological development contracts. They consist of conducting a specific investigation at the request of a company. The contract specifies the objective pursued, the planning of the works, the formation of the team, the budget, the predictable calendar and the appropriation of the research results. Human resources training projects. The University can organize specific training courses and give them at its headquarters or "in company". The collaboration of the University with the business world opens new ways of hiring for young researchers and programs for the training of researchers through the realization of doctoral thesis in collaboration with companies.

- Throughout the course we will see different case studies as examples that allow Understand in depth what is the activity of a Group from the work for Projects in its broad sense, with researchers competent to "get" projects and effects and impacts on the improvement of its University.

1. A specific case of the University-Company collaboration: Camposeven

Adolfo Garcia Director:
General of Camposeven

2. University-Company Chairs

The University-Company Chairs and Classrooms are an instrument to establish a strategic and lasting collaboration between the University and a company or entity, in order to carry out training, research and development or knowledge transfer activities in an area of common interest . The company provides the chair with a standard annual financing agreed to carry out an activity plan. The university puts the human resources and spaces required for the activity. In some cases, the term University-Business Classroom is used to refer to collaborations with less annual funding and duration, but the concept is the same.

Important features:
It is not about providing a service; It is closer to patronage or sponsorship. It is a flexible instrument: conditions are agreed on a case-by-case basis under an agreement, which in turn establishes an agreed plan of activities every year. The duration is medium-long term, it suggests stable collaboration. It is suggested that the expected initial duration be at least 3 years. It allows the realization of various training, research, transfer and dissemination activities.

Principles for its development:
There are a number of bases that will be necessary for this collaboration to take effect, and therefore they are those that must be worked on in advance so that the necessary conditions are met and a company is interested in participating: Mutual knowledge between the University and the Company Confidence between both institutions and in particular between the proposing leaders.Promotion Commitment Shared will (mutual interest) Clear identification of win-win objectives: Returns for the University, for the company and for society

What do the Chairs contribute to the company?
Direct access to the University, to its human resources and infrastructure. Talent acquisition through continuing education or scholarship programs for the completion of final and master projects, and even doctoral theses. They constitute a mechanism or of optimal collaboration for innovation in the company and for the development of solutions to future problems through the realization of R&D projects and exploratory or technological surveillance works. It constitutes a flexible and stable mechanism that facilitates the relationship with the university : agile changes based on a constant interrelation. Social image: responds to the needs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and makes visible the university-business alliance.

What do the Chairs contribute to the university?
Opportunity to establish new forms of collaboration with the Companies Improve the training and financing of students and researchers and promote the exchange of personnel. Have a source of funding, with a certain continuity, for lines of research. Promote the commercial exploitation of the results of their research. Change the profile of university income, introducing the financing component No private that is increasingly necessary.

Activities developed by the chair-company:

The university-business chairs allow as we see a wide collaboration in many different activities. However, it is necessary to specify an extremely important aspect:

The chairs cannot be constituted and considered as an “open account” for the provision of R&D&I services to a company.

Yes, preliminary studies can be carried out that determine needs or opportunities, but the provision of technological and research services must be configured through projects proper and independent from the Chair. Obviously, the identification and implementation of these projects will be a good indicator of the usefulness of a Chair for both the company and the university.

3. Relationship university FAO company

At the end of 2015 they contacted the director of Gesplan from the cabinet of the Director General of the Food Organization of the United Nations (FAO) when they received information about the activity carried out in Peru and Ecuador by the Polytechnic University from Madrid through the aforementioned Group.

They proposed the signing of an Agreement to develop a joint work between UPM and FAO on the so-called IAR (Responsible Research in Agriculture) principles and disseminate that knowledge accumulated by FAO but, until then, with little experience in civil society.

Several links are shown below explaining the work developed in what would be 3 years of very intense work and with striking results:

1. Summary in English and in Spanish and work carried out in the years 2016-2017-2018 and that document ends with the family photo of the closing ceremony and signature by 15 universities committing to incorporate in their academic curriculum the principles IAR and the DVGT (Voluntary Guidelines of Government of the Earth).

2. The publication synthetically collects the works of 2016 in Spain, Ecuador and Peru in an application form and linked to universities and rural communities and / or companies and cooperatives.

3. These publications summarize the enormous work done in 2017 with universities in different countries with companies and business associations to have a corporate governance with a first-rate university contribution.

4. We can consider that this publication says a lot about the degree of maturation achieved in this process that was worked throughout 2018.


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